
Blog #8 - Assembling the Lug Nut Remover and Current Validation Updates

    Since our last update, we have been working to assemble the multi spindle lug nut remover. All the parts have arrived, and we managed to 3D print the casings that cover the gear assemblies along with the handle to hold our device. The main issue was having the steel shafts and carrier stock machined in time to incorporate it into our device for the demo. Since we anticipated that the shafts would take longer to machine, we decided to 3D print the shafts and carrier stock using PLA material. With the shafts and stock 3D printed, we were able to assemble the entire device fairly quick. The process involved using heat to melt some of the PLA to allow parts of the handle, the shafts, and the contact bearings to fit into the the casings. We also drilled holes into the internal ring gear to place the gear and casing together with screws.  Figure 1. Fully assembled device     Figure 1 shows the fully assembled multi spindle tool with torque limiters attached to the tested hub assembly. W

Blog 7: Updates on Assembling the Lug Nut Remover

     Since the last blog, we have fixed the issue with the plate's alignment with the desired wheel. Our desired dimensions are a 5x120 mm lug nut pattern, but the actual dimensions of the wheel were 5x114.3 mm. We decided to make a testing stand to  allow us to showcase the device on campus and to  avoid redesigning the delivery assembly, due to difficulties with ensuring gears mesh properly within actual dimensions. .     Figure 1. Testing Stand      Figure 1 shows the finalized testing stand with desired dimensions that match with the positioning of the device's sockets. The stand uses wooden slabs, where the hub assembly sits between them. Holes were drilled to fit the lug nuts through one of the wooden slabs. To ensure that the lug nuts sit in place with minimum movement, washers were used to fill the gaps created by the lug nuts and holes. This took a couple of tries due to some washers bending while attempting to fit them in the holes. Finally, a foundation was added to

Blog #6

      Since the last blog, we've been working to perform a FEA on the design to determine weak points and to ensure that the design would not buckle under stresses. However, the FEA was difficult to perform due to complications with the geometries of the design that prevented it from meshing properly. Figure 1. Areas highlighted showing areas that cause the meshing to fail      Figure 1 shows the regions that failed to mesh properly. The complex geometries of the gears and internal components connected to the shafts made it difficult to perform a FEA. Using the entire design also meant a large amount of elements would be analyzed and require too much time to complete the analysis. After meeting with Dr. Agrawal, we determined the main weak point of the design would be the rotary component that connects and transfers torque from the planetary assembly to the delivery assembly, with the potential cause of failure for the connection being

Blog #5 : Progress since Winter Break

     Over the break, not much work was done for the project. The design was pretty much finalized last semester and was left alone  over the break . A design flaw was noticed by the team once the semester started and it was that the top and bottom plates were not connected to the device, resulting in them just floating in space. The CAD design is finalized, but 3D printing the sockets and top plate of the device still remains to be completed. Figure 1 (Left Image) and Figure 2 (Right Image). Updated design of the device      Figure 1 shows the finalized design from the Fall semester, and Figure 2 shows the updated design after. What we decided was to weld them together with rods. This was in place of having a sleeve cover the gears. We decided against a sleeve because it would make the device heavier, and the added cost of the metal for the sleeve is too much for the team at the moment.     In the next coming weeks, we plan on doing more simulations on the CAD, this came after talking

Blog #4

Currently, we have worked on the analysis for the project. We had some initial looks to make sure the lug nuts are able to turn and we went based on that. Now we are looking into the exact predicted torque and the issues of under and over tightening are becoming an issue. Another obstacle we are tackling is the cost. We have overlooked some of the costs and are trying to change the design in a way that would allow us to save money and still be functional.  As of now, our design has a central driver gear and 5 driven gears. In this layout, the torque from the drill is split evenly into each gear and then doubled from the gear ratio of 2. This in theory is ideal, but there is still the possibility of a gear initiating before the rest and this could lead to over tightening. To combat this we have a torque limiter on the ends of the sockets. This would allow us to make sure that each lug nut is not being over tightened and it will prohibit any gear from not being tightened properly.   To o

Blog #3 : Current Progress Update

   Our team has changed projects a few times, but we're finally settled and approved for our latest: a multi-spindle that you can use for removing and installing lug nuts! Since our progress report presentation, we've finalized the vehicle we're going to model the deign off. This is the most important step, primarily because of how many unique factors the vehicle demands. Specific spindle arrangements, differing depths, manufacturer keys, housing size and geometry, and simple availability have enormous impacts on the specifications the multi-spindle would have. From this, we've created a CAD of initial designs that we want to iterate upon as we explore options regarding the torque issue.  One design was a single-driver gear and the other was a drive shaft with multiple driver gears. Each design is still in its preliminary phases, but we are continuously working on refining them. Currently, we are looking into what gears we can purchase since the machinist cannot manufac

Blog Post #2: Update on problem Statement and Goals

In the last blog post, we proposed to design and develop an aerial defense system that concentrates sunlight to be able to melt through materials used for aircraft. After developing the project plan, we realized that this design was too ambitious and wouldn’t fit into the timeline for completion of Capstone. Some reasons include feasibility, budget, and time to complete the design. There would need to be multiple research conducted to ensure a working device performing aerial defense since there currently isn’t any development into this topic. Researching along with constructing the device would take more time than Capstone offers, as well as money used for research, experimentation, software, and design construction. This project has proven to require much more research than anticipated. After consulting Professor Chen, we have decided that this project is not a viable project for capstone. In order to pursue this project, funding and time are needed and we do not have this at this mo