
Showing posts from September, 2023

Blog Post #2: Update on problem Statement and Goals

In the last blog post, we proposed to design and develop an aerial defense system that concentrates sunlight to be able to melt through materials used for aircraft. After developing the project plan, we realized that this design was too ambitious and wouldn’t fit into the timeline for completion of Capstone. Some reasons include feasibility, budget, and time to complete the design. There would need to be multiple research conducted to ensure a working device performing aerial defense since there currently isn’t any development into this topic. Researching along with constructing the device would take more time than Capstone offers, as well as money used for research, experimentation, software, and design construction. This project has proven to require much more research than anticipated. After consulting Professor Chen, we have decided that this project is not a viable project for capstone. In order to pursue this project, funding and time are needed and we do not have this at this mo

Initial Look

Government aerial defense is indispensable in protecting a nation's security and airspace from potential threats, such as hostile aircraft and missiles, serving as a deterrent against airborne attacks and escalations in conflicts. These systems play a critical role in safeguarding vital infrastructure, ensuring the uninterrupted flow of essential services, and maintaining border security. Additionally, they enable swift responses to emergencies, including natural disasters and terrorist incidents, contributing to the overall safety, sovereignty, and well-being of the nation and its citizens. Recent developments have highlighted the significance of these defenses, with the United States engaged in an arms race as countries like China introduce advanced technologies, such as hypersonic missiles, posing new challenges and necessitating ongoing vigilance. (Howard & Mailonline, 2022) Team 23 proposes to develop a concept that aids with aerial defense during the daytime by using the